Reanalysis of molluscan metallothionein genes registered in NCBI 1. Scheme of Methods 2. Full length 180 MT Amino-acid sequences include 4 SCH MT sequences. download mFASTA file / download mas file for MEGA7 or higher version
3. Standard Full length 58 MT Amino-acid sequences for Molecular phylogenetic analysis download mFASTA file / download mas file for MEGA7 or higher version
4. The results of molecular phylogenetic analysis on standard Full length 58 MT Amino-acid sequences 5. Reanalysis data of molluscan metallothionein genes Table 1 (New window ) : 226 Mollusks MT sequence reanalysis data Table 2 (New window ) : 180 Mollusks MT sequence reanalysis data (Brief)
6. Mollusks MT references